14. leden 2015 / iDE
Study on Digital Economy and Cultural and Creative Industries is finished!

Institute for Digital Economy finished with group of external experts a study called "Potential of Digital Economy and Cultural and Creative Industries - Challanges, Benefits and Impluses for Governmental Policy". We intend to present our study on various seminars, conferences and meetings with public sector and private companies during September and October. The study shall initiate discussion with the representatives of above mentioned fields and help to include emerging industries to Government agenda and their development support system.
The current state administration strategies and its financial or regulatory instruments have been focused on traditional and usual industries. That is why we decided to draw this study. Its goal is to enable the state administration to understand the potential of emerging industries and new technologies for the Czech Republic. We also describe the influence of emerging industries on keeping the traditional ones alive. This study intends to initiate a new horizontal Government strategy focusing on support of emerging industries.
We believe that emerging industries, based on interconnection of future and traditional technologies and with art and business, represent new dynamic branches with substantive potential for the Czech Republic. They can increase the country's competitivness, gain economic benefits in emerging markets and help GDP to grow.
We find crucial the activity of state administration. Its role is to understand this structural and technological shift as big opportunity and develop good conditions for emerging industries. New industries need further education, regulatory and legislation changes, adjustment of financial support from EU funds and state budget, including tax reliefs or export promotion.
This study aims to describe the status quo of digital economy and cultural and creative inudstries in the Czech Republic. It evaluates their importance and raison d'etre and indicates the barriers of their development. In the end it presents the necessary improvments that needs to be done to help emerging industries grow. The study identifies opportunities that brings the strategy Europe 2020 and new structural funds planned for years 2014-2020.
Our study focuses on future. Therefore it focuses ond new technologies and emerging industries around cultural and creative industries. If the Czech Republic wants to prevail in international competition, it needs to get ready for it. It means to perceive, cultivate and adapt the enviroment of new ideas, where new and internationally competitive business can arise. This is where our Institute for Digital Economy sees its role.
For further informaionon the study please contact Ms. Katerina Zachova, Director of the Institute (see section About us).